The Effect of Infection by Toxocariasis on Some Biochemical Parameters in Some Areas of Salah Al-Din Governorate


T. cati
Biochemical test

How to Cite

Ermeith, E., Jamal Mahmoud, A., & Jassim Yousef, B. (2020). The Effect of Infection by Toxocariasis on Some Biochemical Parameters in Some Areas of Salah Al-Din Governorate. Journal of Life and Bio Sciences Research , 1(02), 89 - 92.


The current study examined 277 blood samples of people, from both sexes of different ages, living in different areas of Salah Al-Din Governorate (Tikrit, Al-Alam and Baiji districts). The study was conducted from November, 2018 to June, 2019. All participants were secrened to investigate the incidence of toxocariasis using IgG TES-ELISA technique. The results showed that the rate of infection with toxocariasis was 22%. It was found an increase in cholesterol concentrations within age group 48-58 years and amounted to 185.8 mg/dl, and highest rate of increase in triglycerides was recorded within age group 15-25 years (168.1 mg/dl). The highest percentage of total protein was recorded within age group 26- 36 years (6.67 mg/dl). As for lipoprotein tests, highest percentage of high-density lipoproteins in age group 48-58 years was recorded (53 mg/dl), while low-density lipoproteins were highest in age group 48-58 years (100.8 mg/dl), and in very low-density lipoproteins the highest percentage within age group 15-25 years (33.5 mg/dl). The highest percentage of AST liver enzymes was recorded in age group 15-25 years and the percentage was 20.6 u/l. The highest percentage of ALT was recorded in age group 26-36 years (20.1 u/l) and 15-25 years (20 u/l). It is concluded that This age group continues to be exposed to infection with toxocariasis, which leads to presence large numbers of live larvae which secrete their antigens in the body and thus spread of toxoplasmosis, and the increase in proportion of fats is caused by poor oxidation of fatty acids and increased production of hepatic fatty acids Which leads to a delay in breakdown of lipoproteins, and the increase in level of AST, ALT enzyme occurs in cases of hepatitis and cirrhosis and may be associated with advanced cases of toxocariasis.


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