Journal of Life and Bio-Sciences Research
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Life and Bio-sciences Research (JLBSR) with ISSN: 2708-1818 is an interdisciplinary electronic, double-blind, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal published by IPAcademia. JLBSR that publishes review papers, original research papers, and case reports in all areas of biological and life sciences. JLBSR mission is to encourage scientists to publish their results and disseminate and promote new knowledge while contributing to the development of science in the country and the world.
Subject Areas
JLBSR covers all topics related to Biology. It accepts qualified Research of interest include but are not limited to: Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Microbiology, Medicine and Health, Marine Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Entomology, Immunology, Pharmacology, Ecology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biomathematics, Biophysics, and Biostatistics.
Section Policies
- Open Submissions;
- Indexed;
- Peer-Reviewed;
- double-blind
Peer Review Process
- All manuscripts submitted for publication in JLBSR are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed. The review process is double-blind. If the manuscript is accepted for a full review, it will be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers.
- Submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial check including a Plagiarism Check in the Editorial Office. Turnitin software is used to check the plagiarism. An Editor together with the Editorial Office takes charge of the peer-review process. It starts with a preliminary review by the Editor (finished no more than 5 working days after manuscript submission).
- After a manuscript is accepted for a full review, the Editor will send the manuscript to at least two reviews after they accept to review the manuscript and register with the JLBSR system as a reviewer. After passing 2 – 4 weeks, the Editor will collect the reviewers’ comments and prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers. The decision letter will be sent to the Corresponding Author to request adequate action. In addition, the Authors will see the reviewers’ comments and the decision letter in their account page at the JLBSR system. In the case of the acceptance, the author will be asked to format the manuscript according to the JLBSR template before it goes into typesetting and proofreading with the publisher. The author will receive the paper in PDF produced by JLBSR for checking before it is published online. In brief, the Review Process at JLBSR and details of the submitted manuscript are stated below.
- Preliminary review
- decision: accepted for review or
- decision: pre-rejected
- reviewer selection
- writing the decision letter including
- decision: accepted or
- decision: to be resubmitted or
- decision: to be revised or
- decision: rejected.
- comments from reviewers
- Editor's comments
- Editor's decision about the next status of the manuscript:
- What should be considered? Before agreeing to review for a journal, Reviewers should take note of the following:
- Let the editor know if your expertise and/or fields of interest cover the topic of the manuscript.
- Decline an invitation to review if there is a conflict of interest with one of the authors. Conflicts of interest may include relationships with academic advisors and/ or advisees, anyone at your current institution, members of your family, or people with whom you have collaborated during the last ten years.
- When declining a review, feel free to provide the contact information of a person who would be qualified to review the manuscript.
- Upon accepting an invitation you will be provided two weeks to complete your review. Reviewers that don't reply on time will be excluded from the Database of Reviewers.
Publication Frequency
The journal publishes biannually (2 issues per year), and the accepted papers are published directly within the open issue. Accepted papers are published online ahead of print..
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
The publication of an article in the peer-reviewed journal JLBSR is to support the standard and respected knowledge transfer network. Our publication ethics and publication malpractice statement is mainly based on the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011) that includes;
- General duties and responsibilities of editors.
- Relations with readers.
- Relations with authors.
- Relations with editors.
- Relations with editorial board members.
- Relations with journal owners and publishers.
- Editorial and peer review processes.
- Protecting individual data.
- Encouraging ethical research (e.g. research involving humans or animals).
- Dealing with possible misconduct.
- Ensuring the integrity of the academic record.
- Intellectual property.
- Encouraging debate.
- Complaints.
- Conflicts of interest.
Plagiarism Checking-up
The Editorial Board of JLBSR will check any case of plagiarism on its own merits. If the plagiarism is detected, either by the editor or peer reviewer at any stage before publication of the manuscript (before or after acceptance), the author(s) will be alert, asking him/her to either rewrite the text. If at least 20% of the original submission is plagiarized, JLBSR has the right to reject the manuscript. We use plagiarism detection that includes the use of one of the active software application for that purpose.
Informed Consent
Obtaining informed consent is a basic ethical obligation and a legal requirement for researchers. An informed consent document is typically used to provide subjects with the information they need to make a decision to volunteer for a research study. This information is most often presented subjects in the form of a written document, but may also be offered verbally by a member of the study team or in some other format understandable to the subject. Regulations and policy require that certain information be provided as part of the consent process. For the research papers that include volunteers as a part of the research (e.g. medical research papers), the Authors must provide documents that clearly indicate the informed consent issue.
Animal Research
- For research conducted on regulated animals (which includes all live vertebrates and/or higher invertebrates), appropriate approval must have been obtained according to either international or local laws and regulations. Before conducting the research, approval must have been obtained from the relevant body (in most cases an Institutional Review Board, or Ethics Committee). The authors must provide an ethics statement as part of their Methods section detailing full information as to their approval (including the name of the granting organization, and the approval reference numbers). If an approval reference number is not provided, written approval must be provided as a confidential supplemental information file. Research on non-human primates is subject to specific guidelines from the Weatherall (2006) report (The Use of Non-Human Primates in Research).
- For research conducted on non-regulated animals, a statement should be made as to why ethical approval was not required.
- Experimental animals should have been handled according to the highest standards dictated by the author’s institution.
- We strongly encourage all authors to comply with the 'Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments' (ARRIVE) guidelines, developed by NC3Rs.
- Articles should be specific in descriptions of the organism(s) used in the study. The description should indicate strain names when known.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Publication Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Publication: US 100 Dollar.
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication costs.
The payments can be done using the following options:
- PayPal
- FastPay
- Bank Account
- Visiting the Journal headquarter
If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.