Exposure to flour dust in flour mill factories may cause diverse lung diseases with different severity of symptoms ranging from simple irritation to allergic rhinitis or occupational asthma; long-term exposure to flour dust can cause chronic lung problems. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of exposure to flour dust on the respiratory system and pulmonary function of wheat flour mill workers in the Duhok district. A cross-sectional study was performed among 63 workers who had direct contact with wheat flour mills. The data were collected using a well-structured questionnaire, anthropometric measurements, and digital spirometry. The workers’ mean age ± (SD) was 29.79 ± 10.60 years. The current study showed the predicted Forced vital capacity (FVC) mean ± (SD) 105.34 L (±) 25.96 L, and the predicted Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) mean ± (SD) 97.90 L (±) 18.65 L, and the predicted FEV1/FVC mean ± (SD) 95.82 L (±) 17.61 L. About 43(68.3%) of workers were normal,10(15.9%) had mild pulmonary obstruction followed by moderate restriction, 5(7.9%), and 3(4.8%) had mild pulmonary restriction. The mild obstructive disorder is more among normal Body Mass Index (BMI) persons, while restrictive disorders are more among overweight workers. This study showed no significant statistical association between PFTs and respiratory symptoms (sneezing, rhinorrhea, change of voice, dyspnea and cough), BMI, and the duration of working in the wheat flour mills.
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