Evaluation of Health and Environmental Safety in Food and Water Production Factories in Duhok Governorate


environmental safety
food factories
Duhok province

How to Cite

Abdulrahman, M., & Bebo, K. (2021). Evaluation of Health and Environmental Safety in Food and Water Production Factories in Duhok Governorate. Journal of Life and Bio Sciences Research , 2(02), 54 - 58. https://doi.org/10.38094/jlbsr20244


Lack of adequate occupational safety and health strategies is a reason that workplace accidents in food and water production industries remain high, making this sector one of the riskiest operations worldwide. The research was carried out to examine the degree of implementing the health, occupational and environmental safety measures in the selected factories to assess health and safety level and to measurement the noise levels in these industries. A cross-sectional survey was conducted by utilizing structured pre-tested questionnaire and noise level measured at four places: selling, administrative, machine and passage industry places. The study revealed the absence of health and safety policy, and the absence of safety and training departments. The suitable measures in place to combat harmful dust generated by motor traffic were present in 23.3%, and the system with deal with the spillage was current in 43.3% of factories. Wastes segregation was found in 3.3%. Exhaust dilution ventilation system was seen in 83.3% of these factories. Personal protection equipment was not provided to all workers exposed to dust, fumes, or gases. Only 3.3% of factory staffs were aware of fire prevention and safety measures. The sound level at the machine place was above average (above 85 decibels) in all factories.



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