Toxicity of Soursop Leaf Powder and Its Relevance in Determining The Micronutrient Status in Formulated Complementary Food


Pigeon pea
Soursop leaf powde
Complementary food

How to Cite

Mbaeyi-Nwaoha, I. E., Ani, E., & Okoronkwo, N. C. (2021). Toxicity of Soursop Leaf Powder and Its Relevance in Determining The Micronutrient Status in Formulated Complementary Food. Journal of Life and Bio Sciences Research , 2(01), 19 - 25.


Complementary food was produced from blends of hungry rice (A), pigeon pea (P) and soursop leaves (S). The raw materials were washed with portable water, dried at room temperature, milled with hammer mill, fermented for 24 hours at 28 ± 2 °C (28 ± 2 °C), oven-dried at 50 °C for 12 hours, remilled, sieved to 1 mm pore size and packaged in polyethylene bags for further analysis. The samples were in the ratio of 70:30:0 (sample APS), 65:30:5 (sample APS1), 60:30:10 (sample APS2) and 55:30:15 (sample APS3). Toxicity test for lethal dose (LD50) was carried out on the soursop leaves. Bioassay was carried out with male albino rats for 28 days including acclimatization period of 7 days. Feed intake and weight gain of experimental rats were recorded daily and weekly. Blood serum was collected before and after feeding trials for analyzing bioavailability of the selected micronutrients. The data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance. Means were separated using the Duncan’s multiple range test and significance was accepted at probability level of 0.05 %. The toxicity test (LD50) indicated safety of soursop leaf as an infusion (oral administration) at lower doses of 10-1000 mg/kg body weight of rats. The bioassay revealed that food intake was significantly (p < 0.05) different among the samples in the first, second and third week. Rats that ate normal rat chow had the highest food intake while the rats that ate APS3 had the lowest food intake. Weight gain was highest in rats that ate rat chow while it was lowest in the rat that ate APS3. Bioavailability of selected micronutrient revealed that calcium content had the highest bioavailability in rats fed with rat chow and lowest in AP. Sample of APS1 had the highest iron bioavailability (47.83 %) among the fortified samples and the rat chow. Zinc had the highest bioavailability (52.86 %) in APS1. The work revealed that selected vitamins were most available in APS2 and the selected minerals were most available in sample APS1.


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